Trying to save money is not an easy task, especially when you spend blindly. I decided to create a budgeting app that I would use, as it would give users more control over their spending.
This web application allows users to set their budgets and keep track of their expenses. Users can edit their budgets and add, delete, or modify their expenses at any time. The balance will turn red to indicate overspending; otherwise, it will be green to show that the budget is still healthy.
Used technologies:
- JavaScript ES6
- Git
Used resource:
- Github
- Npm packages
- Font Awesome

Purpose and Goal
The purpose of this project was to apply my JavaScript knowledge to build a practical web application. Through building this application, I aimed to gain real-world work experience and put ES6 syntax into practice.

Challenges and My Approach
Building this application required a significant amount of JavaScript knowledge. Searching for and selecting the appropriate methods to complete this project was a challenging yet interesting process. I always keep the users in mind when working on projects, so making this app easier to use was one of my top priorities.

What I’ve learnt
This project helped to enhance my JavaScript knowledge, particularly in DOM manipulation and using ES6+ syntax. I also gained plenty of practice in thinking about how to improve the app’s UI and make it more user-friendly.